The Analysis of Human Development Index (HDI) on Java Island in 2015 -2021

Reggy Vanisa Dewi, Didit Purnomo


Development is a physical reality as well as a mental (state of mind) of social, economic, and institutional processes to change living conditions for the better. Human development aims to expand the opportunities humans have in living a life that they value in achieving prosperity, the level of success of which can be seen through the human development index (HDI). This study aims to look at the effect of the workforce, poor population, regional original revenue, and regional expenditure on the human development index in Java. The data used in this study was panel data with time-series data for 2015-2021 and cross-section data for six provinces on Java island. The result of this study shows that workforce and regional expenditure have a positive and significant effect on the human development index in the Java island.


human development index, workforce, poor population, regional original revenue, regional expenditure

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