Did the Internship Program Successfully Build Work Readiness in Tourism Students?

Regina Dewi Hanifah, Willy Arafah, Myrza Rahmanita, Prasetyo Hadi


In Indonesia, the tourism and travel industry directly employs more people than other industries. To produce quality graduates, vocational education and the industrial world collaborate to create a workforce that is experienced and has the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that the industrial world requires. Unfortunately, it has created a gap between the need for qualified graduates and their availability in the midst of increasingly rapid industrial development.Internships are one of the activities that play a significant role in the tourism curriculum in order to bridge the gap between education and the tourism industry. This study aims to identify all internship activities that can influence work readiness mediated by self-efficacy for Tourism Higher Education students in Jakarta. The findings of this study is including the fact that industry involvement and self-commitment as part of internship program have a significant relationship toward work readiness, which is mediated by self-efficacy. The suggestion is that Higher Education in Tourism reviews its own internship program in order to meet the industrial human resource needs.


Internship, Industrial Planning Program, Industry Involvement, Self-Commitment, Self-Efficacy, Work Readiness, Tourism Students

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/miceb.v1i0.202


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