Rendi Aldika Giri Gahana, Nur Isna Inayati, Nurul Afiyah, Sri Wahyu Anjani


Economic growth from 2018 to 2020 has decreased by 3.49 percent due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic. These conditions forced the government to take various steps to save the Indonesian economy. At the time when Indonesia's conditions were 2022, Indonesia was starting to be optimistic about the post-covid economic recovery, there were rumors about the threat of a 2023 recession. The purpose of this study was to examine more deeply the issue of a recession in 2023 when the country's financial conditions were starting to improve after the Covid-19 pandemic. This research method uses the Literature Review Study method, as many as 10 national articles from national journals. The results of this literature review study are that the government's optimism in improving Indonesia's economy in post-covid needs to be accompanied by a preventive strategy as a form of being alert to the issue of the 2023 recession. The government needs to develop fiscal and monetary policies to carry out economic recovery or prevent a deeper recession in 2023, as well as educating the public about early prevention in the event of a 2023 recession.


pandemic recovery, economic growth, recession issues, economic resilience, economic conditions.

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