Analysis of SMEs Development in CafBusiness and the Behaviour of People in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era in Medan City

Rifkah Ainun Br Tanjung, Hastina Febriaty


In this era of rapid technological development and the rapid dissemination of information, as it is today, it greatly influences the patterns and lifestyles of almost all people, especially for the millennial generation. The development of the cafe business in the city of Medan is dominated by young people who are considered the millennial generation. The facilities provided by the cafe in the form of free wifi and unique interiors are liked by millennial visitors. The consumer style behavior of the current generation (millennials and z) in this digital era has positive and negative impacts. From the mushrooming of the cafe business, it can increase employment opportunities in the city of Medan. With the consumption style behavior of the millennial and z generations, it can increase the innovation of independent entrepreneurs for young people in Indonesia, especially in the city of Medan.


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