The Influence of Financial Advisor's Recommendations on Student Investor's Intention with Financial Literacy as A Moderation

Vivi Nadila, Alistraja Dison Silalahi, Sri Wardany, Cita Ayni Putri Silalahi, Riska Ananda Putri, Ummi Kalsum Nasution


This study aims to find and analyze the effect of financial advisor recommendations on the intention of student investors in Medan with financial literacy as a moderator. This research is a quantitative research with an explanatory research model, with primary data. Data collection techniques using questionnaires. The data analysis technique is statistical analysis based on partial least squares. The results of the study found that financial advisor recommendations have a positive effect on investor intentions and financial literacy does not moderate the effect of financial advisor recommendations on investor intentions.


Investor Intentions, Financial Advisor Recommendations, Financial Literacy.

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