The Influence of E-Wom and Food Quality on Revisit Intention of Authentic Restaurant Consumers in Medan

Riyadi Riyadi, Endang Sulistya Rini, Syafrizal Helmi Situmorang


This study aims to determine the effect of E-Wom and Food Quality on Revisit Intention of Authentic Restaurant Consumers in Medan. The object of research in this research is authentic restaurant consumers in Medan. The sample used was 97 consumers. Data processing uses the SPSS Version 25 application. Data testing is carried out using classical assumption tests and multiple linear regression. The results showed that E-Wom and Food Quality had a positive and significant effect on Revisit Intention of Authentic Restaurant Consumers in Medan, either partially or simultaneously. Food Quality is the most dominant factor influencing Revisit Intention compared to E-Wom.


E-Wom, Food Quality and Revisit Intention

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