The Role of Intellectual Capital in Creating Competitive Entrepreneurship in the Era of Society 5.0

Fitria Magdalena Suprapto


This study aims to examine the effect of intellectual capital on firm value and the role of interaction between competitive advantage and intellectual capital on firm value. This study used secondary data sourced from the IDX for the 2010-2019 period which was tested using Stata version 12 to answer the research results. This study found that intellectual capital has an effect on firm value because well-managed human capital can produce superior performance that enhances company growth. The test results also show that competitive advantage interacted with intellectual capital can encourage competitiveness which ultimately attracts investors to invest (reflected in stock prices). The research results can have implications for academics, practitioners and business people as a reference source that intellectual capital has a big role in winning the competition so the development of resources needs to be considered.


Intellectual Capital, Entreprenership

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