Health of Indonesian Soe Banking in Facing the Society 5.0 Era To Support The Technopreneur Intention Program

Ganang Ikhwanudin, Henri Dwi Wahyudi, Windi Ayu Andriyani


The purpose of this study is to compile state-owned banking readiness in the era of society 5.0 in supporting the technopreneurship intention program. The research method used is descriptive quantitative. The results of this study indicate that judging from the NPL and LDR, BRI and Mandiri have the criteria of being healthy. In contrast, BNI has the requirements of being fit or relatively healthy. Generally, good corporate governance has good standards, each of which has received several awards. Earning ratio ROA, BRI and Mandiri have a soundness level with a very healthy predicate. In contrast, BNI has an unhealthy predicate. The NIM earning ratio have a very healthy level of soundness. Capital banks also have a very healthy level of fitness. From the results of this study, BUMN banking is in a healthy condition. It is considered ready to support the technopreneurship intention program in society 5.0.


Bank Health, RGEC Method, Society 5.0 era, Technopreneurship

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