Analysis of Financial Literacy of Small and Medium Enterprises in Tangerang Regency

Gustian Akbar, Lena Erdawati


This study is to determine the level of financial literacy of SMEs in Tangerang Regency and to analyze the that influence it. The type of research used is descriptive quantitative, namely a quantitative approach with the Chi Square method. The population used in this study are SMEs in Tangerang Regency. The sample is selected by purposive sampling method and Lemeshow formula as many as 97 respondents. The results showed that financial literacy in Tangerang Regency was in the medium category. Variables that affected the financial literacy of SMEs are differences in age, education, length of business, income, ownership of saving and ownership of loan. Meanwhile, differences in gender and length of business hado not affectinancial literacy of SMEs in Tangerang Regency.


financial literacy, gender, age, education, length of business, income, saving, and loan

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