Analysis of the Effect of School Participation Rates and Education Facilities on Poverty in Rural Areas of Indonesia

Hanif Afif Naufal, Mulyanto Mulyanto, Suryanto Suryanto


Indonesia's poverty is dominated by rural areas with low educational attainment. This research aims to examine the impact of school enrollment rates and educational facilities on rural poverty in Indonesia. The data source used is from the Central Bureau of Statistics for 2018-2021. The analytical method uses multiple linear regression models. The findings of the research indicate that school enrollment rates have a negative and significant influence on rural poverty, but educational facilities have a positive and significant effect on rural poverty. Based on these findings, government support is needed in education assistance which will help increase access to education to educational facilities for poor families and increase school enrollment rates in rural Indonesia.


Education, School Participation Rates, Education Facilities, Rural Poverty

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