The Effect of Promotion on Purchase Intentions with Influencer Credibility as an Intervening Variable

Maulana Ihtisyamul Hasan, Sri Padmantyo


The development of technology that is so advanced makes entrepreneurs get the opportunity to reach consumers more easily, with the existence of social media making it easier to promote their products. Social Commerce as one of the platforms used for transactions as well as communication on social media. This study aims to analyze the effect of promotion on buying intentions with influencer credibility as an intervening variable in social commerce consumers. Testing of the proposed research model and hypothesis is carried out in two steps, namely the measurement model (outer model) and the structural model (inner model). This study used 218 respondents with the population being social commerce users. The results of this study prove that there is a significant influence of promotion on buying intentions with the credibility of influencers as an intervening variable. Based on these results, entrepreneurs can pay attention to the factors of consumer purchase intent. One of these factors is the promotion and use of influencers who have trust, attractiveness, and expertise.


promotion, purchase intention, influencer credibility

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