Reputation, EWOM, Price, and Service Quality Impact on the Decision To Stay at Hotel

Nanda Clara Putri, Lilik Indrawati


This study aims to determine whether reputation, EWOM, price, and service quality have an impact on the decision to stay at the Blue Sky Hotel Petamburan Jakarta. The data collection method is by distributing questionnaires with a total of 100 respondents who are guests of the Blue Sky Hotel Petamburan Jakarta. Data analysis techniques are validity test, reliability test, classic assumption test, multiple linear regression test, coefficient of determination and t test. The results of this study stated that all statement items for each variable were valid and all variables were reiable, the classical assumption test was fulfilled. Based on the results of the t test and the significance stated that reputation and service quality had a significant impact on the decision to stay at the Blue Sky Hotel Petamburan, while EWOM and price had no impact on the decision to stay at the Blue Sky Hotel Petamburan Jakarta.


EWOM, Price, Reputation, Service Quality Impact

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