The Meaning of Profit For Family Business From an Islamic Perspective (Case Study of Ibu Maryam's Gambir Crackers Family Business in Pasean Madura)

Muslimah Muslimah, Driana Leniwati, Riska Dwi Harventi, Dwi Yunia Shandra


This study aims to identify the meaning of profit for family businesses in pasean Madura, a qualitative research method descriptive approach. Data was obtained using interview observations and documentation. Informants in this study were divided into three parts, namely production, packaging and marketing. Data analysis techniques in this study are data reduction, triangulation and data presentation, and concluding the results of this study reveal that profit is interpreted as a taste. Profit is separated from its material form and incarnates through its abstract form, then forms a feeling. a sense of happiness or satisfaction that can be felt by one's inner eye. Humans are always looking for a sense of happiness, peace, security and peace in their lives. Through this feeling of happiness, it will be more enjoyable if someone spreads happiness for his family and the environment around him.


profit, family business,reduction, triangulation, Islamic perspective

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