Transactional and Leadership Style Job Analysis of Mediated Employee Performance Job Satisfaction

Muhammad Zhurham, Warsiman Warsiman, Ahmad Afri Rozi, Zul Khairi, Muhammad Irfan Nasution


Companies must be alert in responding to this so that company goals can be achieved. The purpose of this study was to examine transactional leadership styles and job analysis on employee performance in which job satisfaction is the intervening variable. Sampling was carried out using a probability sampling technique with a total of 30 respondents. Meanwhile, data processing used SmartPLS version 4. This study found that of the five hypotheses determined, H2 and H3 were accepted and H1, H4, H5 were rejected. Based on the test results, transactional leadership has no effect on job satisfaction. Job analysis has a significant effect on job satisfaction. Transactional leadership has a positive influence on employee performance. Meanwhile, in job analysis and job satisfaction there is no significant effect on employee performance.


Transactional Leadership Style, Job Analysis, Employee Performance, Job Satisfaction

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