Implementation of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Leadership to Lecturer Research Performance at Private Universities in Medan

Muhammad Taufik Lesmana, Amirul Syah, Asrizal Efendy Nasution


This study aims to analyze organizational citizenship behavior and leadership factors in the research performance of lecturers at private universities in Medan. The data used are primary data taken through interviews and structured questionnaires. The population in this study were all permanent non-PNS foundation lecturers at private universities in Medan. The sampling method uses non-probability sampling with random sampling techniques. The number of samples in this study was 100 people. Data collection techniques are through interviews and questionnaires. This research method is associative descriptive with data processing using path analysis (path coefficients) with the Smart-PLS version 13 analysis tool. The results show that organizational citizenship behavior and leadership each positively and significantly influence the research performance of private university lecturers in Medan. This result is evidence of the R Square value of 0.610.


Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Leadership, Lecturer Research Performance

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