The Effect of Human Resources Competence, Information Technology Understanding and Educational Background on the Implementation of SAK ETAP in MSMEs in Bireuen Districts

Syiva Gebrina Ridzqy, Tasya salsabila, Auzan Irmawati, Elviza Elviza


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of Human Resource Competence, Understanding of Information Technology and Educational Background on the Application of Financial Statements Based on SAK ETAP on MSMEs in Bireuen. The object of this research is SMEs in Bireuen. The sample size of this study was 99 SMEs. The results of the study show that by means of a simultaneous test between the variables Competency of Human Resources, Understanding of Information Technology and Educational Background simultaneously affect the Implementation of Financial Statements Based on SAK ETAP on MSMEs in Bireuen Regency. Then partially, namely Human Resource Competence influences the Application of Financial Statements Based on SAK ETAP to MSMEs in Bireuen. Understanding of Information Technology influences the Application of Financial Statements Based on SAK ETAP to MSMEs in Bireuen Regency. Educational Background influences the Implementation of Financial Statements Based on SAK ETAP on MSMEs in Bireuen .


Competence of Human Resources, Understanding of Information Technology, Educational Background and Application of Financial Statements

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