Cost Information Types And Ego Depletion : The Role In New Product Development

Titin Nurjanah, Dyah Ekaari Sekar Jatiningsih


This study examined the effect of cost information types and ego depletion tendency within designers on new product development (NPD) performance. While previous research has tested the role of cost information types and found empirical evidence of such effect on NPD performance, specific designer condition has not been observed. A kind of individual phenomenon of ego depletion hence is examined in the study since previous research confirmed its significant effect in audit context. The research used product cost effectiveness as measurement of NPD performance. Using laboratory experiment, hypothesis proposed in this study is tested with business students as participant. Results found that cost information types affect product cost designed in new product development, and ego depletion of the individual designer does not affect new product development performance. Further implication is discussed


New Product Development, Cost Information Types, Product Cost, Ego Depletion

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