Resolution Anticipating a Recession from a Global Economic Perspective in the View of Citizenship

Trisya Ananda Siregar, Irfan Dahnial


This article aims to discuss how to anticipate a recession during the Global Economy from a citizenship perspective. This article uses a conceptual research method with the Library Research method , where data collection techniques are taken and collected from journal journal scientific, report research, and literature other relevant to the topic of discussion. The subject matter of this article is how the view of citizenship responds to the Global Economy and is able to take advantage of existing developments not only for personal gain but also for the global advancement of a nation. country . In order for economic improvement in a country to reach its maximum point, in addition to having abundant natural resources, the country must also have qualified human resources. which capable manage and make ingredients raw which there is Becomes ready product marketed. Recession is also a serious threat to every country in the world in facing the global economy. The weakening of the economy in a country and the decline in the real growth of a country is a sign of a recession in a country


Economy, Citizenship , View , Global, Recession

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