The Role of Performance Expectancy and Trust in Decision to Use Mobile Banking Livin' Mandiri

William Sihombing, Thyophoida WS Panjaitan


The customer's decision to use Livin' Mandiri mobile banking to access banking services does not just happen but is caused by several influencing factors. This research aims to examine the effect of performance expectancy and trust on the decision to use Livin' mobile banking for Bank Mandiri customers. The research approach used for this research is quantitative. The research sample consists of 75 Bank Mandiri customers who use Livin' mobile banking. The data collection technique used was a questionnaire. Based on the results of data processing, it can be said that all statement items are declared valid and all variables are declared reliable. The results of the t test state that performance expectations and trust have a significant effect on the decision to use Livin' Mandiri mobile banking.


Decision, Performance Expectancy, Trust,

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