Determinant Factors of Financial Literacy in MSME Actors in Medan Deli District

Yulia Rachma, Sri Fitri Wahyuni


The existence of this research is to identify and analyze the factors that influence financial literacy in MSME actors in Medan Deli District with a sample tested of 103 special MSME units in the culinary field using a non-probability sampling technique and a quantitative descriptive methodology. The data collection technique used was a questionnaire technique, the data were analyzed using SPSS version 23 software. This study revealed that income factors have a partial and significant effect on financial literacy, financial behavior has a partial and significant effect on financial literacy, investment decisions have an effect on financial literacy partially. Income, financial behavior and investment decisions simultaneously affect financial literacy. If MSME actors balance income for financial behavior such as saving, giving alms, setting aside money for emergency funds and taking advantage of the goodness of financial services such as investment, this can increase financial and economic literacy.


Determinant Factors, Financial Literacy

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