Analysis of Coffee Exports in Indonesia

Sri Endang Rahayu


One commodity that can affect the performance of the agricultural sector is coffee. Indonesia is among the top five largest coffee producing countries in the world. Coffee is one of the plantation commodities that is expected to increase the value of exports and can increase Indonesia's economic growth. Coffee commodities act as a source of income for coffee farmers, a source of foreign exchange, a producer of industrial raw materials, and a provider of employment through processing, marketing, and trade activities both domestically and abroad. The purpose of this study was to describe how Indonesian coffee exports to the international market. The data used is secondary data sourced from BPS with data collection techniques, namely documentation and data analysis techniques with descriptive analysis techniques. National coffee production has shown an upward trend since 2002. Although, it has fluctuated since 2002, for the first time Indonesia's coffee production touched 717,962 tons in 2017. Then, since 2017 Indonesia's coffee production has continued to increase slowly until 2019. And experienced a drastic increase with total coffee production at 1,250,452 tons with a growth of 66.17%. The high increase in production in 2020 is due to coffee productivity which tends to increase even though the area of coffee plantations has decreased. Coffee production has increased but coffee exports have also decreased. Coffee production has increased but coffee exports have also decreased. In 2012, Indonesia's coffee export value was at 1,243,825.8 US dollars, this figure fluctuated until it experienced a drastic decline since 2018 to 806,878.6 US dollars or 277,411.2 tons. Until 2021, there was only a slight increase where coffee exports were at 849,373.2 US dollars or 384,510.6 tons. Indonesia's coffee exports to various countries have decreased, this is due to the increasing demand for coffee in the country with the increase in coffee lovers in Indonesia. Indonesian coffee exports by destination country from 2016-2021 which occupy the largest export positions are the United States, Egypt, Japan, Malaysia and India.


coffee commodities, coffee production, Indonesian coffee exports

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