Analysis of the Effect of Inflation, Exchange Rates, BI Rate and World Oil Prices on Jakarta Composite Index on the Idx Period January 2018 December 2021

Ery Lufy Andriyani, Eni Setyawati


This study aims to examine the effect of inflation, exchange rates, BI Rate and oil prices on the composite stock price index. The study used a multiple regression analysis method with an Ordinary Least Square (OLS) approach for the period January 2018 - December 2021. The study used Eviews10 by testing classical assumptions, partial tests (T test), simultaneous tests (F test) and R2 determination tests. The results showed that the inflation variable did not have a significant effect on the JCI. The exchange rate variable has a significant negative effect on the JCI. On the other hand, the BI Rate and world oil price variables have a significant positive effect on the JCI.


Inflation, Composite Index, Exchange Rates

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