The Analysis Effect of Adaptive Leadership, Digital Adoption, And Organization Agility on The Resilience of Indonesian Banks

Basaria Martha Juliana, Harjanto Prabowo, Firdaus Alamsjah, Mohammad Hamsal


The purpose of this study was to test whether there is a significant effect between adaptive leadership, digital adoption, and organizational agility on organizational resilience. This study used a cross-sectional quantitative method. The sample of this research is 75 Indonesian banking respondents according to KBMI I-IV. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, shows that there is an effect between adaptive leadership, digital adoption, and organizational agility variables on organizational resilience. This research produces a strategic model for the banking industry in dealing with rapid and unexpected changes through the formation of organizational resilience capabilities formed by a series of dynamic capabilities; they are adaptive leadership, digital adoption, and organizational agility. Various concepts are put forward to ensure that companies must be agile in innovating their business models and finding new ways of doing business in this complex and dynamic digital environment to achieve organizational resilience.


Adaptive leadership, Digital adoption, Organization agility, Organizational resilience, Indonesian Banks

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