Sales Forecasting Based on Demand on Honda Cars Using Three Forecasting Methods

Fachri Yusuf


In this study, the authors discuss forecasting sales based on demand for Honda cars with three Forecasting methods. Forecasting is carried out using three methods, namely the Moving Average method, the Exponential Smoothing method and the Trend Analysis method by comparing the average absolute percentage error MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error), the chosen forecasting method is the Trend Analysis method, with an MAD value of 11.754,93, MSE 11.850,8, and standard error 1.660,809. From the analysis of data processing that has been carried out based on the chosen forecasting method, the forecast for Honda car sales is 11.563,8 or 11.563 cars/month, meaning that PT Honda Prospect Motors Indonesia must provide 11.563 Honda cars every month to meet consumer demand.


Sales forecasting, Honda Cars, Moving Average Method , Exponential Smoothing Method and Trend Analysis Method

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