Measurement of Management Performance Using the Sustainability Balanced Scorecard and its Impact on Stakeholder Satisfaction

Bayu Tri Murti, Marhaendra Kusuma, Beby Hilda Agustin, Srikalimah Srikalimah


This study aims to analyze the management performance of the Pucung Public Health Center using five sustainability balanced scorecard perspectives, namely financial perspective, customer perspective, growth and learning perspective, internal business process perspective, and environmental and social perspectives that affect stakeholder satisfaction. The research period was carried out from January to June 2022. The results of this study indicated that performance from a financial perspective was considered poor and other perspectives indicated that the performance of the public health center was considered good. Each perspective has a relationship, such as patients influencing the continuity of the performance of the public health center. The novelty of this research is to analyze management performance using the Sustainability Balanced Scorecard based on the steps of the Balanced Scorecard by adding a new perspective, namely environmental and social.


Performance Measurement, Sustainability Balanced Scorecard, Stakeholders

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