Bank Kalbar Financial Performance and Its Impact on the Regional

Firman Firman, Lina Budiarti


This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the performance of Bank Kalbar and its influence on the regional economy of West Kalimantan, using data sourced from Bank Kalbar and the West Kalimantan Central Bureau of Statistics from 2010-2021, in the form of CAR, LDR, ROA, NPL and GRDP of Kalimantan. West. The analytical method used is correlation analysis (r) Pearson Product Moment (r). The results of this study indicate that Return On Assets (ROA) has a strong relationship (0.60 0.799) and is significant to West Kalimantan GRDP and the financial performance of Bank Kalbar seen from a very healthy ROA and is ranked 1. Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) has a very low (0.00 0.199) and insignificant relationship to the GRDP of West Kalimantan and the financial performance of Bank Kalbar seen from the LDR is healthy and is ranked 2. Non Performing Loans (NPL) have a strong relationship (0.60 0.799) and significant to GRDP of West Kalimantan. The financial performance of Bank Kalbar seen from the NPL is very healthy and is ranked 1. The Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) has a strong relationship (0.60 0.799) and is significant to the GRDP of West Kalimantan and the financial performance of Bank Kalbar seen from CAR is very healthy and is ranked 1.


Financial Performance, Impact, Region, Bank

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