The Effect of Leadership Behavior and Organizational Communication on Employee Performance

Ade Jaya Sutisna, Parhan Parhan, Juliansyah Noor


The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of leadership behavior and organization communication on employee performance. Therefore, this study hypothesizes that leadership behavior and organizational communication contribute to employee performance. Furthermore, this study explains that leadership behavior is more effective when employees have higher employee performance, whereas leadership behavior is more effective when employees have effective organizational communication. In total, 44 state prison employees filled out a distribute questionnaire. Path analysis was used to test the hypothesized relationships. The results of the path analysis model showed that employees were more effective in organizational communication in their work and increase employee performance ratings from their leader when leaders used more effective leadership behavior. Furthermore, this study showed that leadership behavior was more effective when employees had effective organizational communication. These findings contribute to be understanding the role of employees in the leadership behavior process.


leadership behavior; organizational communication; employee performance

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