Analysis of Promotional Strategies with a Culinary Tourism Approach to Increasing Tourist Visitson the Beach Digitalization- Mediated Variable

Slamet Widodo, Elfitra Desy Surya, Virdyra Tasril


This study aims to test and analyze the influence of advertising, personal selling, and public realtion on tourist visits on Mutiara beach with a promotional strategy with a culinary tourism approach. To test and analyze the influence of advertising, personal selling, and public realtion on tourist visits at Mutiara beach with a promotional strategy with a culinary tourism approach mediated by digitalization. This study was analyzed with SMART PLS with a total of 100 samples. From the results of the study, it is known that advertising has a positive and significant effect on tourist visits. Personal Selling has a positive and insignificant effect on tourist visits. Public relations has a positive and significant effect on tourist visits while digitalization has a positive and insignificant effect on tourist visits on Mutiara beach using a promotional strategy with a culinary tourism approach.


Advertising, Personal Selling, Public Relation, Digitization, Visits Tourist

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