The Influence of Work Environment and Leadership Style on Employee Job Satisfaction Through Motivationa as an Intervening Variable

Dody Firman, Jihan Mandasari, Muhammad Arif


This study aims to determine whether there is an effect of the Work Environment and Leadership Style on Employee Job Satisfaction through Motivation as an Intervening Variable (Case Study at PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk, Witel Medan). The approach used is a quantitative approach. With the sampling criteria using a questionnaire as a data source sampling technique. Data collection techniques using interviews, questionnaires and documentation. Data analysis techniques using measurement model analysis (validity test, reliability test), structural model analysis (R-square, F-square, Direct Effect, Indirect, predictive relevance). Data processing in this study uses Smart PLS (Partial Least Square) 3 Software for windows. The results of the study prove that variable 1) work environment has a positive and insignificant effect on employee job satisfaction. 2) leadership style has a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction. 3) the work environment has a positive and insignificant effect on motivation. 4) leadership style has a positive and significant effect on motivation. 5) motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction. 6) motivation cannot mediate or mediate the effect of work environment variables on employee job satisfaction. 7) motivation can mediate or mediate the influence of leadership style variables on employee job satisfaction. 3) the work environment has a positive and insignificant effect on motivation. 4) leadership style has a positive and significant effect on motivation. 5) motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction. 6) motivation cannot mediate or mediate the effect of work environment variables on employee job satisfaction. 7) motivation can mediate or mediate the influence of leadership style variables on employee job satisfaction. 3) the work environment has a positive and insignificant effect on motivation. 4) leadership style has a positive and significant effect on motivation. 5) motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction. 6) motivation cannot mediate or mediate the effect of work environment variables on employee job satisfaction. 7) motivation can mediate or mediate the influence of leadership style variables on employee job satisfaction.


Work Environment, Leadership Style, Employee Job Satisfaction, Motivation

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