Factors Analysis on Palm Oil (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq) Production

Dina Arfianti Saragih, Ingrid Ovie Yosephine Sitompul, Delyana R Pulungan, Rapizae Rambe


Three concepts related to palm oil production are Genetic Production, Site Yield Potential, and Actual Production. First, genetic production is the maximum production potential possessed by plant material in an environment with little or no environmental constraints, as well as cultivation and management techniques. Second, Site Yield Potential is a production that can be achieved by certain plant materials in accordance with the conditions of a place after experiencing obstacles by limiting factors that cannot be controlled by humans such as climate factors. Third, the actual production is the production that has been achieved by certain plant materials at a location after experiencing obstacles by limiting factors that cannot be controlled. To get optimal production, all production factors that influence must be sought in optimal conditions.The results showed that labor did not affect the production of oil palm, this can be seen from the t-value of -1.346> t-table 2.004, with a significant value of 0.184. Rainfall has no effect on the production of oil palm plants, this can be seen from the t-value of -.567> t-table 2.004, with a significant value of 0.573. Pesticides have no effect on the production of oil palm plants, this can be seen from the value of t-count .894> t-table 2.004, with a significant value of 0.375. Rainy days have a significant effect on the production of oil palm plants, this can be seen from the t-value of 2,590> t-table 2,004, with a significant value of 0.012. Fertilizers have a significant effect on the production of oil palm plants, this can be seen from the t-value of 2,316> t-table 2,004, with a significant value of 0.024.


Palm Oil, Production, Analysis

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/miceb.v1i0.330


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