Factors Analysis of Regional Superior Agricultural Product Development

Delyana R Pulungan, Remus Hasiholan, Murdhiyati Hilma Purba, Dina Arfianti Saragih


This study purposes to develop a measurement instrument for the regional superior agricultural product development program of Deli Serdang. This research population is the target population of Deli Serdang MSMEs who produce cassava. The sample was randomly selected 300 MSMEs. The study method using confirmatory factor analysis by Amos. The data collection technique was a questionnaire. Study results was using the maximum likelihood method showed that the validity and reliability instruments met the ideal loading factor value> 0.5 and a significant value of p (0.000). The model built also meets the fit criteria based on the Goodness of Fit Model Standard. All instruments are presented to build and measure the superior cassava product development program by Deli Serdang MSMEs. This superior product development program comprises (1) economic contribution has a significant effects with estimate value 0,773 (2) social aspects has a significant effects with estimate value 0,797 (3) cultural aspects has a significant effects with estimate value 0,986 and (4) institutional has a significant effects with estimate value 0,884. Cultural has the biggest effect on product development of regional superior agricultural. This result means that all instruments have proven construct validity.


Analysis, Regional superior agricultural product, Development

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/miceb.v1i0.331


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