Negotiation in Business Communication on Entrepreneurship

Herry Syahbannuddin Nasution


It is very necessary to know how to influence effective business communication so that business negotiations can run smoothly. Within the scope of the organization, the main purpose of communication is to improve the organization, which is interpreted as an effort made to achieve management goals. Organizational communication happens all the time. And can be defined as the performance and interpretation of messages between communication units that are part of an organization. An organization consists of communication units in a hierarchical relationship with one another and functions in an environment. Researchers use qualitative and descriptive methods or explain phenomena or facts from research findings where business communication activities, messages should not only be informative, namely so that other parties understand and know, but must also be persuasive, so that other parties are willing to accept an understanding or belief or do an act or activity, especially business negotiations on entrepreneurship so that it feels comfortable and no party is harmed.


Negotiation, Communication, Entrepreneurship.

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