The Effect Regional Expenditures, Investment And Population on Original Regional Income Central Java 2019-2021

Faiz Alfarizi, Noer Sasongko


This study aims to determine the effect of regional expenditure, investment and population on the original income of regencies/cities in Central Java Province in 2019-2021. This research is a quantitative descriptive study. The population in this study was regencies/cities in Central Java Province covering 29 regencies and 6 city areas for 3 years of observation. Study sample obtained 105 data. The data used in the study is in the form of secondary data. The data analysis method used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that regional expenditure had an effect on PAD, which was shown by the calculated value of the < t table (3,013 > 1,659) with p = 0.000<0.05. Investment has no effect on local revenues shown t calculate < t table (1.501 < 1.659) with p: 0.136>0.05. Total Population has no effect on local revenues shown t count < t table (1.108 < 1.659) with p: 0.271 >0.05. The conclusion of regional expenditure affects local revenues but is different from Investment and Total Population which does not affect local revenues.


regional expenditure, investment, population, local revenues.

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