The Role of Entrepreneurs of Increasing Economic Growth and People's Welfare in East Java

Nur Rahayu Februantika, Nila Diansari, Sekar Wulan Amboro Kasih


This article aims to give a perspective new to studies of entrepreneurship and relationships to the growing economy in East Java and provide ingredient evaluation to stakeholder's interest in entrepreneurship could give a contribution to the well-being of people in East Java. The method in a study is to study literature because object study only can answer through the study library. Research results show that entrepreneurship is capable push the growth economy and improving the well-being of people in East Java. The businessman could upgrade the growing regional economy with create a field profession for himself and others. Entrepreneurs also create innovative things from products or services produced. Competition innovation that happened must be protected by law about the right important property in the form of innovation created by entrepreneurs. The government must provide good policies to entrepreneurs.


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