Leading Sectors and Patterns of Economic Growth in Blora District 2017-2021

Andiny Dewi Saputri Chrisdyanti Pratiwi, Inda Fresti Puspitasari


Regional development as a derivative of national development is a process of programmatic change to achieve goals and objectives. This study aims to prove that Blora Regency has several leading sectors that greatly help the economic growth of Blora Regency through economic growth analysis with a base economic approach in 2017-2021. The research methods used are Location Quotient (LQ) analysis, Shift Share, and klassen typology. The data used is secondary data, obtained through the value of the Gross Domestic Product (GRDP) Blora Regency 2017-2021 based on constant prices in 2010. The results of the LQ analysis show there are 9 base sectors. Shift Share analysis shows that the economic growth of Blora Regency belongs to the group of progressive districts/cities and can be said to be advanced. The results of the Klassen Typology show 2 sectors that remain in quadrants I and II.


Leading Sectors, Economic Growth

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/miceb.v1i0.346


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