The Urgency of Islamic Financial Literacy among the Community

Siti Mujiatun, Frida Yanti Sirait


The study's objective is to demonstrate and explain Islamic financial literacy, which can help establish a sharia economy.The method in this research uses library research, namely electronic sources through accredited relevant journals and books.Research Results, Specifically, financial literacy education is always important for customers because it helps them budget and manage their income, save and invest effectively, and avoid fraud.To improve Islamic financial literacy, it is necessary to create an application called Connected, One Stop Solution which can facilitate the public with twenty Islamic financial literacy features, including saving features (ordinary tubes, gold tubes and Umrah and Hajj tubes, investing (sharia insurance), sharia mutual funds and sharia stocks), and features of fulfilling obligations and donating (zakat,infaq, alms and waqf).


Urgency, Islamic, Financial Litercy

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