Parents' Ethical Decisions in Choosing Public Schools: Investigating Parental Morals in a Regulatory Focus

Rifal Yoga Pratama, Catur Sugiarto


This paper aims to explain parents' responses and investigate the ethical decisions of parents in selecting public schools. The method offered in this research uses a qualitative methodology, this study describes in detail the perceptions of parents, by dissecting their moral behavior using regulatory focus theory. It is recommended to interview 20 parents as main informants with in-depth, semi-structured questions. The forms and concepts offered in this study further explore the extent to which parents' idealism in making ethical decisions, regarding the selection of public elementary schools which are considered not to meet the moral standards expected of parents. This study suggests that parents should be rational in making ideal decisions even though there are moral differences between them.


parents' ethical decision, school choice, regulatory focus theory, moral perception

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