The Influence of Business Conduct, Coordination and Competence on Business Repotitioning in Batubara District

Abdi Setiawan, Irawan Irawan


The purpose of this research is to build a model of business repotitoning through behavior, coordination and competence. BatuBara Regency, which is a special area for international standard tourism, is an important focus in the study of Human Resource development in order to create regional economic independence. One sector that is of concern in this tourism area is the development of SMEs. The problems currently faced by SMEs in Pahlawan Village include declining people's purchasing power, distribution barriers due to activity restrictions, difficulty accessing capital and a lack of product innovation. These problems are the focus of researchers to design research that aims to create a repositioning of business development through the behavior, coordination and competence of SMEs. The action plan from this research will also target sustainable SME business improvement by creating business specialization. This research approach uses a quantitative design with explanatory research design through the Structural Equation Modeling research model which will later break down complex problem indicators. The results of this test prove that the Business Behavior variable has a significant effect on Repotitioning with a positive direction where the higher and better the Business Behavior, the Repotitioning will increase. The Coordination variable has no significant effect on Repotitioning with a positive direction where the higher and better the Coordination, the Repotitioning will increase with an insignificant effect. Competency variables have a significant effect on Repotitioning with a positive direction where the higher and better the Competence, the Repotitioning will increase.


Repositioning, Business Development, Behavior, Coordination and Competence ?

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