Financial Literacy and Digital Financial Behavior of SMEs in Indonesia

Ramadhan Harahap


The purpose of this research is to observe and analyze Financial Literacy and Digital Finance in Indonesia. This study uses a descriptive approach. The results of this study show that the use of Digital Finance in Indonesia is quite good, but there are still many things that must be addressed together. The digitalization of Cooperatives and SMEs is in line with the challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 which requires all economic activities to shift from conventional to modern. The Covid-19 pandemic has also accelerated this shift, in which business and economic activities that were originally offline have turned online. This makes the use of digital technology more massive. The use of demand deposits that are commonly used in society today is considered to be less efficient. The presence of digital financial services is also an important supporting sector. More and more SMEs have started to adopt payment methods using e-wallets or application-based electronic money. In addition, MSMEs have also used digital solutions to interact with their customers, with 69% of sellers planning to increase their use of digital marketing solutions in the next 5 years.


Financial Literacy, Digital Finance andSMEs.

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