Antecedents of Job Satisfaction with Employee Performance as an Intervening Variable

Zulaspan Tupti, Muhammad Arif


The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the influence of Locus of Control and work environment on job satisfaction with employee performance as an intervening variable at PT. Indomobil Finance Indonesia, Kisaran Branch, directly or indirectly. The approach used in this study is an associative approach. The population in this study were all employees of PT. Indomobil Finance Indonesia, Kisaran Branch, totaling 45 people. The sample in this study used a saturated sampling of 45 employees of PT. Indomobil Finance Indonesia, Kisaran Branch. Data collection techniques in this study used observation techniques and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques in this study used a quantitative approach using statistical analysis using the Auter Model Analysis test, Inner Model Analysis, and Hypothesis Testing. Data processing in this study uses the PLS (Partial Least Square) software program. The results of this study prove that directly Locus Of Control has a significant effect on job satisfaction. The work environment has a significant effect on job satisfaction. Locus Of Control has a significant effect on employee performance. Work environment has no effect on employee performance. Employee performance has a significant effect on job satisfaction. And indirectly Locus Of Control has a significant effect on job satisfaction with employee performance as an intervening variable. The work environment has no effect on job satisfaction with employee performance as an intervening variable at PT. Indomobil Finance Indonesia, Kisaran Branch.


Locus Of Control, Work Environment , Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance

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