Profitability and Liquidity on Dividend Payout Ratio With Firm Size as a Moderating Variable in Construction and Building CompaniesListed on Indonesia Stock Exchange

Hade Chandra Batubara


The purpose of this research is to know the Influence of Return On Asset and Current Ratio Against Dividend Payout Ratio with Firm Size As Moderating Variable In Construction and Building Company.This study uses a type of associative research that aims to analyze the relationship between one variable with other variables or explain the influence of independent variables on bound. For hypothesis testing is done by multiple regression test and regression test of moderation. Multiple regression tests aim on the same basis as simple or multiple correlation, ie to find out whether there is an influence between two variables and whether moderate variables are able to moderate the relationship between two variables. Sampling technique used in this research is purposive sampling. The sample of the study was chosen based on predetermined criteria, from criteria that have been determined by 6 companies that meet the criteria.From the results of this study proved that there is influence of Return On Asset and Current Ratio to Dividend Payout Ratio either partially or simultaneously. Of the two free variables used there is a positive and negative influence where the Return On Asset has a negative effect on the Dividend Payout Ratio at kostruksi and bangungan Indonesia, and the Current Ratio has a positive effect on the Dividend Payout Ratio at the construction and building company of Indonesia , then from the results of this study proved that Firm Size is able to moderate the relationship of Return On Asset to Dividend Payout Ratio and Current Ratio to Dividend Payout Ratio at the construction and building company of Indonesia.


Return On Asset, Current Ratio, Firm Size, and Dividend Payout Ratio.

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Undang undang No.20 Tahun 2008 tentang Klasifikasi Ukuran Perusahaan.



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