Factors Influencing Individual Taxpayers in Fulfilling Tax Paying Obligations

januri januri


This study aims to analyze the effect of awareness of paying taxes on the willingness to pay taxes. To analyze the effect of knowledge and understanding of tax regulations on willingness to pay taxes. To analyze the effect of a good perception of the tax system on the willingness to pay taxes. To analyze the effect of the quality of tax services on the willingness to pay taxes. To analyze the effect of awareness of paying taxes, knowledge and understanding of the tax system, good perceptions of the tax system, and quality of tax services on the willingness to pay taxes. Based on the results of this study, awareness of paying taxes, knowledge and understanding of tax regulations,


awareness of paying taxes, willingness to pay taxes, tax regulations, tax system, quality of tax services,

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/miceb.v1i0.379


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