Implementation of Private School Leadership in Efforts to Increase Work Motivation and Public Trust at SMK

Deliwarni br Pasaribu, Indra Prasetia


Education is the main factor in the formation of the human person. Education plays a very important role in shaping the good or bad of the human person according to normative standards. The school as an organization contains elements that both individually and in groups carry out cooperative relationships to achieve goals. The elements in question are none other than human resources consisting of school principals, teachers, staff, students or students, and parents of students. In this case, the principal is a leader who is given the task of the school, the principal is responsible for achieving school goals. Principals are expected to be leaders and innovators in schools. Therefore, the leadership quality of the principal is significant for the success of the school. The professional ability of the school principal as an educational leader is to be responsible for creating a conducive teaching and learning situation so that teachers are motivated to carry out learning well and students can study in peace so that the quality of school education can be trusted by the public, in this case, parents. and society. Besides that, the principal is required to be able to work closely with his subordinates, in this case, the teacher. The principal is the manager of education in the school as a whole, and the principal is the formal leader of education in his school. In an educational environment at school, the principal is fully responsible for managing and empowering teachers to continue to improve their work abilities.


Principal leadership, work motivation, public trust

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