Leadership and Management in the Time Covid 19 : Case Study at State Elementary School

Erliyati Lubis, Emilda Sulasmi


A school is an organization in education in which there are principals, teachers, staff employees, students or students, school committees, and parents of students who work together to achieve a goal. The principal is someone who is given the task of leading the school and is responsible for achieving school goals. The principal is expected to be an innovative leader in the school. Therefore, the leadership quality of school heads is very important for the success of the school. The professional ability of the principal as an educational leader is to be responsible for creating a conducive teaching and learning situation so that teachers can carry out learning well and students can learn in peace. Leaders must be able to face and solve all the problems that exist in the world of education. Leaders must work together with their subordinates in solving all problems and obstacles that occur within the organization, namely the school.


Leadership Implementation, Educational Organization

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/miceb.v1i0.388


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