The Principal's Strategy in Improving Process Standards in Madrasah Tsanawiyah

Aisyah Amini ZA, Elfrianto Elfrianto, Faisal Rahman Dongoran


This research is motivated by the importance of learning according to standard processes in schools. The purpose of this research is to explain the principal's strategy in improving process standards at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 4 Mandailing Natal. Learning in accordance with certain process standards requires a school principal's strategy, starting from planning, implementation and evaluation as well as models so that learning can run well. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis using a qualitative approach, the data sources are the Head of Madrasah, Deputy Head of Madrasah for Curriculum and teachers at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 4 Mandailing Natal. Data collection techniques with observation, interviews and documentation. The research procedure starts from planning, data collection, data reduction, analysis and conclusion. Qualitative data analysis techniques use the Miles and Huberman model. Test the validity of the data through credibility, depenability and confirmability. The credibility test was carried out by means of source triangulation and the Instructional System Development Procedure Model (PPSI)technique triangulation. The results of the study show that: 1) The principal's strategic planning in improving process standards, namely: a. setting process standard goals, b. developing syllabus and lesson plans, c. pre paring lesson plans 2) implementing the school principal's strategy in improving process standards, namely: a. Forming study groups/subject groups, b. Training-based learning, c. Learning with aflicative skills and d. Utilization of learning media 3) evaluation of the school principal's strategy in improving process standards is to supervise at least once a year. 4) the model of the principal's strategy in increasing process standards is coaching the learning process, supervision, reporting and follow-up


Strategy, Principal, Process Standards

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Based on the description of the results and discussion above, it can be concluded that: Planning the principal's strategy in improving process standards in the form of Setting Process Standard Goals, Syllabus Development and RPP and Preparing Learning Plans. The implementation of the principal's strategy in improving process standards is in the form of Learning Group Formation, Competency-Based Learning, Learning with afflictive skills and Utilization of Learning Media. Evaluation of the principal's strategies in improving the standard of the process from observation to the classroom, reviewing the teaching plan and notes in class also provides useful feedback.


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