The Influence of Physical Work Environment Training and Financial Compensation on Employee Performance at PT. Indonesian Telecommunication Pekanbaru Center

Fitri Hendriani, Alum Kusumah, Ikhbal Akhmad, Rahayu Setianingsih, Khusnul Fikri, Hammam Zaki


This research was conducted to determine the effect of physical work environment training and financial compensation on employee performance at PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Center Pekanbaru. This research uses a quantitative study. This method is called a quantitative method because the research data is in the form of numbers and analysis using statistics. Respondents in this study amounted to 150 employees. From the results of the analysis, data analysis was carried out with the help of the SPSS (Statistical Product And Service Solution) application program, which found that the training variable had a significant positive effect, the non-physical work environment had no significant effect and financial compensation had a significant positive effect on employee performance.



Training, Physical Work Environment, Financial Compensation, and Job Performance

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