Influence Leadership Transactional and Motivational Achievement on the Employees Performance of PT. Sari Aditya Loka 1 Jambi City

Sebri Muliadi, Hammam Zaki, Alum Kusumah, Rahayu Setianingsih, Khusnul Fikri


Research purposes This For know and analyze influence leadership transactional and motivational achievement to performance PT employees . Sari Adistya Loka 1 Jambi City. Study This is study quantitative with method sampling research using purposive sampling method . Samples used are 45 employees working _ above 3 years . Data sources used in study This is primary data , namely (data obtained direct from source or subjects studied ) primary data in study This form answer on question or statements in the questionnaire and secondary data is existing data recorded in book or something report . Secondary data form history , vision mission , structure organization . Data analysis method used is analysis multiple linear regression . Research result show leadership transactional influential negative and significant to performance PT employees . Sari Aditya Loka 1 Jambi City. Whereas motivation achievement influential positive and significant to performance PT employees . Sari Aditya Loka 1 Jambi City.

Leadership Transactional , Motivational Achievement , Employee Performance 


Leadership Transactional , Motivational Achievement , Employee Performance

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