The Influence of Perception of Quality, Brand Trust and Brand Image on Brand Loyalty on BRIZZI Card Users In Pekanbaru City

Nurani Darabba, Dwi Dewisri Kinasih, Hicmaed Tachta Hinggo S, Wan Laura Hardilawati, Ikhbal Akhmad


The aim of this research is to find out whether perceived quality (X1), brand trust (X2) and brand image (X3) influence brand loyalty (Y) among Brizzi card users in Pekanbaru City, both partially and simultaneously. Respondents in this study totaled 100 respondents. The sampling technique in this research was purposive sampling. The results of this research show that the quality perception variable has no significant effect on brand loyalty, brand trust has a significant effect on brand loyalty, and brand image has a significant effect on brand loyalty. Perceived quality, brand trust and brand image together have a significant effect on brand loyalty. The results of the R square coefficient of determination obtained at 0.458 indicate that the magnitude of the influence of the three independent variables together on the dependent variable is 45.8% while the remaining 54.2% is another variable not examined in this research.


perceived quality, brand trust, brand image, brand loyalty

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