The Influence of Leadership and Motivation on Work Discipline in Honorary Employees of the Siak District Transportation Service

Delvia Susanti, Khusnul Fikri, Alum Kusumah, Rahayu Setianingsih, Hammam Zaki


This research aims to investigate whether leadership and motivation have a significant impact on employee work discipline. This research uses a quantitative study using a survey method through questionnaires distributed to employees, especially honorary employees of the Siak district transportation service, with a total of 66 respondents. This research is explanatory in nature which explains the relationship between variables through hypothesis testing. Data analysis was carried out based on a questionnaire that had been distributed in the form of themes and categories that identified emerging patterns and trends. Data analysis was carried out using the SPSS application. The results of the research show that the partial leadership test has a significant effect on the work discipline of honorary employees of the Siak district transportation service with the results obtained by a calculated t value of 2.244 > t table 1.99834 and a sig value. 0.028 < 0.005, while motivation has no significant effect on the work discipline of honorary employees of the Siak district transportation service with a t value of 1.772 < t table of 1.998 and a sig. 0.081 > 0.005. Then simultaneously leadership and motivation have a significant effect on the work discipline of honorary employees of the Siak district transportation service by obtaining a calculated F value of 5.359 while the F table is 3.14, so F calculated > F table.


Leadership, Motivation, Work Discipline, Honorary Employees of the Siak Regency Transportation Service

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