The Influence of Uncertainty of Raw Material Supply and Production Process on Product Quality in the Rattan Industry In Pekanbaru City

Yunda Dian Arimbi, Rahayu Setianingsih, Hicmaed Tachta Hinggo S, Khusnul Fikri, Alum Kusumah


Product quality is an important factor in the production process. So that the production process can run smoothly, an industry ensures the availability of raw materials. Uncertainty in raw materials is often a challenge for industry players. This can affect the quality of the products produced as well as hamper the product manufacturing process. This research aims to determine and analyze the factors that influence product quality in the rattan industry in Pekanbaru. The method used in this research is quantitative with a sample size of 50 rattan industry owners in Pekanbaru using a sampling technique, namely saturated sampling. Data collection in research uses interviews, questionnaires and documentation. The data analysis technique in this research uses multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the first hypothesis research show that if raw material uncertainty increases, the quality of the product produced will decrease. The second hypothesis shows that a smooth production process will improve the quality of the products produced. These findings have the implication that the uncertainty of interrupted raw materials will hamper existing production process activities and the quality of the products produced. The small number of variables used is a limitation in this research. It is hoped that future research will determine the number of samples so that it exceeds the number of samples in this study and that not only industry players but also consumers will become respondents.


Uncertainty, Raw Materials, Production Process, Product Quality

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